Dr. Fotis Fitsilis



Democratic Governance and Strategic Policy Advice





Selected  References












Recent Publications
Selected Talks & Lectures
  • Talk – Program for the new national legislators in Argentina, Universidad Austral, virtual (December 2023)
  • Talk – Structure, products and networking of the Hellenic Parliament Scientific Service, 1st International Forum on Parliamentary Research, virtual (December 2023)
  • Talk – Using Artificial Intelligence in Parliaments, Australian Parliamentary Library, virtual (November 2023)
  • Intro speech – Transforming Parliaments: Artificial Intelligence in the lawmaking work, IPU webinar, virtual (October 2023)
  • Talk – Advanced digital engagement concepts in parliamentary democracies, AGORA Forum, Rome (October 2023)
  • Talk – Smart functionalities for drafting legislation in LEOS, SEMIC 2023, Madrid (October 2023)
  • Panelist – Media appearance on Artificial Intelligence, Vouli TV (October 2023)
  • Panelist – Panel on Democracy 2.0: Automation and Decentralization deployed for Transparency, Cyprus Forum (October 2023)
  • Talk – Panel on AI, Partner or Rival?: Implications for Government, Information & the Law,  88th WLIC IFLA, virtual (August 2023)
  • Lecture– Smart Parliaments, Diploma in Parliamentary Law, Universidad Austral, virtual (August 2023)
  • Co-organizer/presenter – Broad Exchange on the Published Guidelines on the Introduction and Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Parliamentary Workspace Where do we go from here? Research Workshop on AI in Parliaments, Friedrichshafen (July 2023)
  • Talk – Designing and implementing an ethical and operational framework for artificial intelligence in parliament, Day of Parliamentary Research, Vienna (June 2023)
  • Talk –  Ongoing research on AI in parliamentary workspaces, AI4Legs 2023: AI for Legislation, virtual (June 2023)
  • Panel discussions – AI, legislative process and smart parliaments, LegisTech: The Americas – 2nd edition, Brasilia (April 2023)
  • Lecture – AI legislation and smart governance, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar (March 2023)
  • Talk – Using AI to Understand and Engage with Constituents, Legislators’ Forum on Innovations in Democracy, Washington, DC (November (2022)
  • Talk – Hearing at the National Congress of Argentina before the Bicameral Commission of Planning for the Future, virtual (October 2022)
  • Lecture – A special example of interparliamentary cooperation, CIDEIPP International Studies Program on Parliamentary Diplomacy, Universidad Austral, Argentiva, virtual (September 2022)
  • Presenter/moderator/discussant – 3rd LegisTech Forum 2022, virtual (September 2022)
  • Talk – Crowdsourcing the Digital Parliament – The Case of the Hellenic OCR Team, 15th Wroxton Workshop, UK (July 2022)
  • Talk – Preliminary results of an empirical study about AI applications in the parliamentary workspace, 12th Samos Summit, virtual (July 2022)
  • Talk – Digital platforms for strengthening public engagement, Bakohumas Thematic Forum 2022, Jakarta, Indonesia, virtual (June 2022)
  • Talk – Advanced cooperative digital platforms for parliaments, Global Conference on Parliamentary Studies, Budapest, Hungary (May 2022)
  • Talk – Processing and Analysis of Parliamentary Information, International Workshop of Scholars and Parliamentarians, Villa La Angostura, Argentina (April 2022)
  • Talk – ‘E-legislation as part of parliament’s digital strategy’, IRIS 2022, virtual (February 2022)
  • Virtual panel – ‘Promoting innovation for code of conduct for MPs and parliamentary staff’,  WFD webinar on Redesigning Modern Parliament for Anti-corruption Scheme, Bangsamoro, Philippines (December 2021)
  • Virtual panel – Redesigning Modernization in Parliaments, 24th Conference of the National Union of State Legislatures of Brazil (UNALE) (November 2021)
  • Virtual panel – Institutional Leadership in the Modernisation Process in the Legislative, Parliamentary Day conference (September 2021)
  • Lecture – ‘Advancements in legal interoperability through LEOS repurposing – The merit of AKN and Enterprise Integration Patterns’, Summer School LEX 2021, virtual (September 2021)
  • Virtual panel – Computational notation of laws and regulations, ReMeP 2021 (September 2021)
  • Talk – ‘To Regulate or not to Regulate – Opening the AI Black Box for Parliaments’, Samos Summit, virtual (June 2021)
  • Virtual panel – Discussion on ‘Getting the most out of your data’, World E-Parliament Conference 2021 (June 2021)
  • Talk – ‘Digital transformation of parliamentary research services and libraries’, ECPRD webinar (June 2021)
  • Lecture – ‘Digital Transformation and Parliamentary Procedures’,  University of the Aegean, virtual (May 2021)
  • Lecture – ‘Making past parliamentary data usable through crowdsourcing’, Bússola Tech’s LegisTech series (May 2021)
  • Moderator – ‘Parliaments and the SDGs’, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung online discussion (May 2021)
  • Talk – Presentation of the Hellenic OCR Team, European Commission’s DigitALL Public Conference, virtual (April 2021)
  • Talk – ‘A law-as-code approach to fundamentally transform rulemaking in Greece’, ENDORSE 2021, virtual (March 2021)
  • Talk – ‘Digital tools to bridge the representation gap’, PSA Parliament annual conference, virtual (March 2021)
  • Talk – ‘Principles of Evidence-Based Legislation’, International Webinar from Universidad Austral, Argentina (February 2021)
  • Talk – ‘The institutional response to the Covid challenge: how parliaments and governments have responded to the pandemic’,  International Webinar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (February 2021)
  • Talk – ‘Legal Informatics and Interoperability patterns supporting the Greek Executive State’, IAL 2020 conference (February 2021)
  • Virtual panel – Data Protection Day: COVID-19 & Data Protection Day: The Case of the Vaccination Certificate (January 2021)
  • Talk – ‘Digital transformation of Middle East administrations’, HBKU webinar Digital Humanities in the MENA Region, virtual (December 2020)
  • Talk – Innovation and inspiration during a global pandemic, IFLAPARL webinar (December 2020)
  • Respondent –  Parliaments and Youth: Bridging the Gap, INTER PARES workshop, virtual (November 2020)
  • Talk – Parliamentary research in crisis mode: Corona, confinement, comeback, ECPRD Seminar, virtual (November 2020)
  • Lecture – ‘Interoperability and modern ICT systems’, University of Macedonia, Greece, virtual (November 2020)
  • Talk – ‘Legal interoperability lab’, DigiLabs20 conference, virtual (November 2020)
  • Session chair – ‘Standards in legal informatics and their practical implementation’, ICEGOV 2020, virtual (September 2020)
  • Talk – ‘Application of Enterprise Integration Patterns for the Digital Transformation of Parliamentary Control’, ICEGOV 2020, virtual (September 2020)
  • Talk – ‘The Hellenic Parliament’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Balancing Act between Necessity and Realism’, IALS/WFD Digital Conference, virtual (September 2020)
  • Talk – ‘The Hellenic Parliament’s e-response to pandemic’, Universidad Austral, virtual (July 2020)
  • Talk – Virtual panel on the new era of digitalisation after the pandemic, European Democrat Students Summer University (July 2020)
  • Talk – ‘Α framework for re-education of public administration in legal informatics tools and patterns’, Samos Summit, virtual (July 2020)
  • Talk – ‘How to Include ICT Reviews in Legislative Work’, ReMeP 2020 Legal Informatics Conference, virtual (June 2020)
  • Webinar co-organization and presentation – ‘Regulating the Digital World’, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung experts discussion (June 2020)
  • Talk – Panel discussion about my book “Imposing Regulation on Advanced Algorithms”, ICON-S conference, Florence, Italy (November 2019)
  • Talk – ‘Democratic governance and parliamentary development in the digital world​’, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung experts meeting, Athens, Greece (September 2019)
  • Workshop organization and presentation – ‘Science and Innovation in Parliamentary Libraries and Research Services’, 35th Annual IFLA Pre-Conference of Parliamentary Research and Library Service, Athens, Greece (August 2019)
  • Talk – ‘Parliamentary Oversight of Sustainable Development Goals and the Application of Post-Legislative Scrutiny Principles’, 14th Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians, Wroxton, UK (July 2019)
  • Talk – ‘The Greek Twinning Experience in the National Assembly of Serbia’, INTER PARES inaugural conference, European Parliament, Brussels (July 2019)
  • Talk – ‘Interface between Post-Legislative Scrutiny and sustainable Development Goals and the state of play in South East Asia and the Pacific’, Academic Conference on Post-Legislative Scrutiny in Asia, Yangon, Myanmar (June 2019)
  • Talk – ‘Lawsourcing and Post Legislative Scrutiny in the area of Renewable Energy’, RES Community Workshop, Athens, Greece (May 2019)
  • Chair and invited talk – 1st International Conference on Parliamentary Work & Scientific Counselling, Tunis, Tunisia (December 2018)
Professional Trainer
  • Hellenic OCR Team – Principal trainer, development of training methodology (2017 – ongoing)
  • National Centre of Public Administration and Local Government – Project management/MS© Project/Competitive EU projects, Athens/Patra/Iraklion/Lesvos, Greece (2016 – ongoing)
  • EU TAIEX expert mission – Capacity building on Spectrum Allocation Procedures and 5G Auctioning, Ukraine (June 2021)
  • EU TAIEX expert mission – Capacity building on Critical Infrastructure and the 5G Tool Box, European Partnership countries (February 2021)
  • EU TAIEX expert mission – Capacity building for the new Electronic communications code in Montenegro (December 2020)
  • EU TAIEX expert mission – Capacity building for the drafting of the new e-commerce law, Egypt (December 2019)
  • OSCE mission – Training on advanced oversight concepts for Parliament, Montenegro (November 2019)
  • EU TAIEX expert mission – Capacity building in digital marketing for the Ministry of Culture, Egypt (January 2019)
  • Web seminar – Capacity building, Instituto de Capacitación Parlamentaria, Honorable Cámara de Diputados, Argentina (August 2017)
  • EU Twinning project – Director of capacity building, National Assembly, Belgrade, Serbia (2013-2014)
  • Various Training Centers – e-Business/Market research/Hardware maintenance & operation, Athens, Greece (2005-2006)

Professional Activity

Santiago de Compostela

Trends in Nanotechnology Conference (September 2002)

Colorado Springs, Colorado

13th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics, paper presentation (March 2001)


Electroceramics VII Conference, paper presentation (September 2000)


Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, alma mater


FernUniversität in Hagen, alma mater


  • INTER PARES inaugural conference, European Parliament (July 2019)
  • European Parliament Research Service, workshop presentation (May 2017)
  • PADEMIA 3rd annual conference, paper presentation (May 2016)
  • Resident Twinning Advisor seminar, European Commission (June 2012)

Wroxton, Oxfordshire

  • 13th Wroxton Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians (July 2017)
  • 14th Wroxton Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians (July 2019)

Buenos Aires

Instituto de CapacitaciónParlamentaria, Honorable Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina, web seminar presentation (August 2017)


  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid, visiting professor on parliamentary procedures and legislative drafting (March 2017)
  • SEMIC 2023 (October 2023)


19th International Legal Informatics Symposium, presentation (February 2016)


EUPADRA Joint Master Program, inaugural conference, presentation (October 2016)


Hellenic Parliament, Scientific Service (current position)


Resident Twinning Advisor (2013-2014)


Elections, Short-term observer (December 2014)

Addis Ababa

UNDP Africa Regional Hub (RSCA), Governance and Peacebuilding Experts Roster


Strategic planning, networking and technical assistance to the Armenian Community of Greece, with links to Yerevan and aboad


Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD): Peer-reviewer of publications on Post-Legislative Scrutiny (2017)


Setting up an NGO to support governance and counter corruption


Assistance in establishing a legislative library at the Federal Parliament of Somalia (April 2018)


1st international conference on parliamentary work and scientific counselling (December 2018)


  • EU TAIEX expert mission on digital marketing for the Ministry of Culture (January 2019)
  • EU TAIEX expert mission on drafting the E-Commerce law in Egypt (December 2019)


Talk at the Academic Conference on Post-Legislative Scrutiny in Asia in Yangon, Myanmar (June 2019)


Panel discussion on the regulation of advanced algorithms at the ICON-S conference


OSCE mission on advanced concepts of parliamentary oversight 


EU TAIEX workshop (Eastern Partnership, February 2021) & EU TAIEX workshop (June 2021)

Villa La Angostura

International Workshop of Scholars and Parliamentarians (7-8 April 2022)


Global Conference on Parliamentary Studies (12-13 May 2022)


145th Assembly of the IPU (11-15 October 2022) 

Washington, DC

Legislators Forum (15-16 November 2022) 


 Exchange with the Georgian Parliamentary Research Center (September 2022) 


OSCE feasibility study for an academic curriculum in parliamentary affairs (December 2021) 


Visiting research scholar, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (March 2021) 

São Paulo

Municipal Council of São Paulo, Brazil (April 2023)


LegisTech: The Americas conference (13-14 April 2023)


Day of Parliamentary Research (June 2023)


Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Parliaments (3-4 July 2023)


Institute of Parliamentarism (October 2023)

Selected Posts

My new book on the regulation of algorithms! (updated)

I am really excited to have learned that Springer has announced the publication of my new book Imposing regulation on Advanced...

Edited Volume on Smart Parliaments

The Hellenic OCR Team is incredibly proud to announce the publication of its first collective authoring effort titled Smart Parliament: Data-driven...

My talk on the evolution of parliamentary institutions

Once in a month the Athens Chapter of the AHEPA order (HJ-1) organises a public lecture. On Nobember 16th, 2018, it was my turn to deliver a talk on...

Parliamentary Developer

Hands-on experience with parliamentary institutions

Strategy and Policy Advisor

Drafting and implementation of strategic plans

Transparency and Governance Capacity Building

Experienced professional trainer

Academic Lecturer and Researcher

Parliamentary procedures, legislative drafting & open data

Social Media Presence


6 + 7 =

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