(Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. I.I.LLM)
Head of the Department for Scientific Documentation and Supervision
Scientific Service of the Hellenic Parliament
Dr. Fotis Fitsilis is a distinguished parliamentary researcher specializing in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its application in legislatures. Since joining the Scientific Service of the Hellenic Parliament in 2009, Dr. Fitsilis has pioneered initiatives for the data-driven parliament of the future. In 2017, he co-founded the Hellenic OCR Team, a pioneering crowdsourcing initiative dedicated to processing and analyzing parliamentary data. He subsequently shifted his research interests to integrating AI into parliamentary processes, with a focus on enhancing transparency, efficiency and public engagement. In 2023, he initiated the first global effort and co-edited the inaugural guidelines for AI in parliament, which address the ethical, responsible and effective use of AI in parliaments. Dr. Fitsilis’s work extends to exploring AI’s broader impact on democracy, examining how emerging technologies influence public policy, governance and lawmaking. His insights contribute to ongoing international discussions on AI governance and he actively participates in leading forums such as ICON-S, ReMeP, LegisTech, and The Athens Roundtable on AI and the Rule of Law. Dr. Fitsilis has lectured at numerous academic institutions and authored over 80 scientific publications, including six books.