by Fotis Fitsilis | Jun 16, 2020 | Law, Open data, technology, Uncategorized
On 4 July 2020, I had the privilege to co-organize, jointly with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, a webinar with the title ‘Regulating the Digital World’. The event was based on my recent book Imposing Regulation on Advanced Algorithms (2019, Springer)....
by Fotis Fitsilis | Jun 16, 2020 | Articles in English, international publications, Parliaments, Uncategorized
This is the beginning of a series of brief articles originally posted on LinkedIn that have been developed to highlight significant concepts and argumentation in relation to parliamentary development and governance matters. The articles have been jointly developed by...
by Fotis Fitsilis | Jun 16, 2020 | Articles in English, international publications, Parliaments, Uncategorized
My new article, jointly with Franklin De Vrieze, just came out on the Journal of Legislative Studies. It is titled ‘How parliaments monitor sustainable development goals – a ground for application of post legislative scrutiny’. Abstract The United Nations...
by Fotis Fitsilis | Apr 16, 2020 | Articles in English, Law, Open data, technology, Uncategorized
Herewith I announce my appointment to the teaching staff of the National School of Public Administration and Local Government! This assignment is linked with the design and operation of an innovative legislative drafting laboratory. The goal is to train the next...
by Fotis Fitsilis | Mar 28, 2020 | Uncategorized, Αγροτική ανάπτυξη, Ανάπτυξη, Ενέργεια, Οικονομία, Περιβάλλον, Τεχνολογία
Μετά από σχετική έρευνα στο αρχείο μου και σε ανοικτές πηγές, ιστοσελίδες και ΦΕΚ, παρουσιάζω έναν πρώτο κατάλογο της δημόσιας δραστηριότητάς μου για την περίοδο 2004-2011, κατά την οποία υπηρέτησα σε δημόσιες θέσεις στο υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης (2004-2007) και τη Βουλή...