On January 28th, 2016 I presented my latest scientific paper at the joint PADEMIA & SUMMIT conference in Brussels, which tackled issues related to the operation of the European Council and its relations with other EU and national institutions. The paper has the title “Parliamentary control of Governmental actions on the interaction with European organs in the Hellenic Parliament and the National Assembly of Serbia” and its abstract can be read here:
The role of the national Parliaments in scrutinizing the governments’ actions has been in the academic agenda for a long time. The paper will examine the parliamentary response, in terms of parliamentary control, on the governmental negotiations for three Economic Adjustment Programmes for Greece in the time period from 2010 and 2015. In an additional case study, parliamentary means in the National Assembly of Serbia will be examined in the light of the opening of the negotiation process with the EU. In both cases, an overview of the available means of parliamentary control will be presented, followed by a discussion of their suitability to exercise control of governmental actions in the European organs. Specific cases of parliamentary control will be presented, as well as relevant statistics.
The conference was organised by the Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne, and the Trans European Policy Studies Association. The conference programme may be found here.

Presentation at the conference
PADEMIA (http://www.pademia.eu/) is a Europe-wide network of 56 academic institutions from 31 countries to promote research and teaching in reaction to growing European demands to study parliamentary democracy in Europe. PADEMIA seeks to enhance discussion among students, junior and senior researchers, also in exchange with stakeholders, on how to deal with the new challenges that parliaments and citizens across Europe are facing today.

Conference workshop