I had a great opportunity to present my latest research on the parliamentary monitoring of SDGs in Yangon, Myanmar at the Academic Conference on Post-Legislative Scrutiny in Asia, 17-18 June 2019. This was a joint contribution with Franklin De Vrieze titled: Interface between PLS and SDGs and the state of play in South East Asia and the Pacific.

Six hundred legislators, senior civil servants and experts in democracy have come together to share insights into how parliaments in Asia and around the world are monitoring and reviewing laws to ensure they work effectively for citizens. Overall, delegates from Myanmar and 44 other countries joined this event, which was organised by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) in partnership with the University of Jember in Indonesia and the University of Yangon in Myanmar.

My presentation is based on the findings of a 2-year world study. The related open data set may be accessed here:

Fitsilis, Fotios; Zisioglou, Eleni (2019): Dataset on parliamentary involvement in SDG monitoring. figshare. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7945628.v2

The full paper to this is going to be presented at the next edition of the Wroxton Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians, 27-28 July 2019. This is the extended abstract to the presentation. The slides can be viewed here. The abstracts for all contributions to the event may be downloaded from here. Photos from the event can be found on flickr.

Selected photos from the event!



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