Despite calls for change, peer-review (or simply: reviewing) remains the cornerstone of scientific publication [1]. This basic fact is embedding ethical values and principles [2] and is positively acknowledged by most scholars worldwide. This is why I am proud to participate in editorial boards or/and scientific committees of a number of conferences and institutions worldwide, such as EUPADRA, ScieConf and InSite 2019. Recently, I have been reviewing for The Journal of Legislative Studies.
InSite 2019

InSite 2019 @ Jerusalem, Israel logo
InSite constitutes an interesting conference series for an international and transdisciplinary audience. Therefore, I am glad to be counted among the reviewers of the InSITE 2019 conference to be held from June 30 – July 5, 2019, in Jerusalem, Israel. This year’s general topic is ‘Informing Science + IT Education’ with special focus on Fake news and Transdisciplinarity. For more information see the Call for Papers.

ScieConf 2018: Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing
In addition, It was a lot of fun being a reviewer at the ScieConf conferences in 2017 and 2018. The Scieconf is an annual international virtual conference for the presentation of advancements and achievements in a variety of scientific fields. The conference brings together researchers, engineers and specialists from around the world. Naturally, all submitted papers are peer reviewed in a double tier approval process by the Scientific Committee.

EUPADRA represents the first learning mobility project which allows the study of parliamentary procedures and legislative drafting in three different European capitals. It is an EU-funded ERASMUS+ project that is jointly organized by LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, University of London and Universitad Complutense, Madrid. I am glad to be on-board from the very beginning;
- as speaker at the inaugural conference in Rome, 2016
- as visiting professor at the Universitad Complutense, Madrid, in the academic year 2016/2017 and, last but not least,
- as Master-thesis supervisor, in the academic year 2018/2019.
The Journal of Legislative Studies
As mentioned in its website, “the Journal of Legislative Studies is a major international refereed journal, covering all aspects of legislative research and development, and aimed at scholars and researchers of legislative studies”. I am proud to belong to the journal’s pool of reviewers, while having published therein too.
- Karlberg, Ingvar. “On peer review–the cornerstone of scientific publication.” (2015): 1-1.
- Resnik, David B., Christina Gutierrez-Ford, and Shyamal Peddada. “Perceptions of ethical problems with scientific journal peer review: an exploratory study.” Science and engineering ethics 14.3 (2008): 305-310.
- InSite 2019 conference:
- InSite 2019 reviewers:
- InSite 2019 CfP:
- ScieConf website:
- ScieConf reviewers:
- EUPADRA page:
- The Journal of Legislative Studies: