The Blog

Dr. Fotis Fitsilis

My presentation on SDGs in Yangon

I had a great opportunity to present my latest research on the parliamentary monitoring of SDGs in Yangon, Myanmar at the Academic Conference on Post-Legislative Scrutiny in Asia, 17-18 June 2019. This was a joint contribution with Franklin De Vrieze titled: Interface between PLS and SDGs and the state of play in South East Asia and the Pacific.

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Participation to the 2019 Google Summer of Code

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. In Greece, the Open Technologies Alliance participates in GSOC 2019 with more than 25 open source projects. The Hellenic OCR Team has provided a highly intresting project proposal, which is presented below. We invite students who wish to participate to contact us in order to be guided through the process.

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Hellenic OCR Team Newsletter #4: January 2019

Happy New Year! Check out our latest (#4) newsletter. Featured topics include the establishment of a sub-group on Linked Open Data, the progress towards organizing a hackathon for parliamentary open data and our prospective participation to the Google Summer of Code.

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Μελέτη για τον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό

Τον Δεκέμβριο του 2018 δημοσιεύτηκε η μελέτη του Forum Ελληνικής Καινοτομίας και Στρατηγικής για τον ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της δημόσιας διοίκησης. Ως μέλος του Επιστημονικού Συμβουλίου του Forum και εμπειρογνώμονας για τα ανοικτά δεδομένα και τις συμμετοχικές δημοκρατικές διαδιασίες, είχα την ευκαιρία να μετάσχω στην ομάδα σύνταξης.

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Happy birthday Hellenic OCR Team!

The Hellenic OCR Team, a novel crowdsourcing initiative for the processing and analysis of parliamentary data, celebrates its first birthday. What started as a confined experiment within the Hellenic Parliament and Greece’s oldest academic institution, the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, has now evolved into an international cooperative platform.

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Graduation from the Academy of European Public Law

It has been a privilege taking part at the Academy of European Public Law (AEPL)! It has been tough 1 1/2 years, but I learned a lot and made friends for life. Overall, a rewarding experience!  Founded in 1995, the Academy is the oldest and most esteemed educational establishment of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO).

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Recent reviewing activity (update)


Despite calls for change, peer-review (or simply: reviewing) remains the cornerstone of scientific publication [1]. This basic fact is embedding ethical values and principles [2] and is positively acknowledged by most scholars worldwide. This is why I am proud to participate in editorial boards or/and scientific committees of a number of conferences and institutions worldwide, such as EUPADRA, ScieConf and InSite 2019. Recently, I have been reviewing for The Journal of Legislative Studies.

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IFLA WLIC 2019 contribution

It’s been almost a year since joining the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (short: IFLA). At the same time, I became member of the IFLAPARL community, the dedicated IFLA section for Library and Research Services for Parliaments. Overall a valuable and rewarding experience!

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My participation at the Artificial Cosmoi and the Law (2nd edition) workshop

I was fortunate to be able to take part (once again) in the 2nd Artificial Cosmoi and the Law workshop which took place on Monday, July 30th, at the History Museum of the University of Athens in Plaka. This time, the organisers were the UCL Centre for Law, Economics & Society (CLES), Yale Law School and the Faculty of Law, University of Athens. Overall, there were five panels filled with top legal and Artificial Intelligence researchers…

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Hellenic OCR Team gets own online presence!

The Hellenic OCR Team has now its own website! Following its presence on Linkedin, the website shall present this unique crowdsourcing activities and extend its visibility to interested third parties. Information science professionals, data scientists, linguists and students from a wide spectrum of fields are hereby invited to participate to an one-of-its-kind cooperative platform for the processing and study of parliamentary data. More details may be found in the open Call for Members.

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Hellenic OCR Team Newsletter #2

This is the second newsletter of the Hellenic OCR Team. Overall, it is the second one and the first one drafted in English. It is also the last one before the hot Greek summer. However, work within the team never stops! The next newsletter will appear in late September with more insights on team development, collaboration with related organisations and more information the processing and analysis of parliamentary texts.

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An evening in the European Parliament: Digital skills and Greek tourism

Brussels view

A highly interesting event regarding growth in the tourism sector through development of digital skills took place on 15 May 2018 in the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels [1]. Analysis of the future potential of state-of-the-art technologies in tourism was supported by a presentation of Google’s initiative Grow Greek Tourism Online [2].

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Hellenic OCR Team Newsletter #1

Το πρώτο newsletter της Eλληνικής Oμάδας OCR (Hellenic OCR Team) είναι γεγονός! Σε αυτό ενημερώνουμε τα μέλη μας για την εξέλιξη των εργασιών μας, τη διεύρυνση της ομάδας και πολλά άλλα ενδιαφέροντα θέματα. Η Eλληνική Oμάδα OCR, πρώτη στο είδος της, είναι μια ανοικτή πρωτοβουλία για την επεξεργασία και μελέτη κοινοβουλευτικών δεδομένων. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ.

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Hellenic OCR Team reaches milestone!

The crowdsourcing initiative Hellenic OCR Team reaches an important milestone. After less than three months of operation, the team has now expanded to 10 members. The members are originating from the private, the public and the academic sector. Currently, team members are resident in Greece and in France.  They are virtually linked through an online exchange platform and regularly gather for monthly meetings, where problems are discussed and best practices are exchanged.

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Contributing to Post-Legislative Scrutiny


‘The act of evaluating laws that a parliament has passed is known as Post Legislative Scrutiny’ [1]. In 2017, the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) completed a publication triplet on Post-Legislative Scrutiny (PLS). It now includes a Comparative Study of practices of PLS in selected parliaments, a Guide for Parliaments and a policy document with principles for PLS.

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Hellenic OCR Team

Hellenic OCR team

Interdisciplinary science at its best – Be part of it!

On the eve of 2018 a new crowdsourcing platform came to life. The Hellenic Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Team represents the first scientific crowdsourcing initiative that aims exclusively at the processing and study of parliamentary data. Naturally, the application, handling and further development of OCR processes stand in the core of our endeavor.

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My presentation at the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina

ICAP Fitsilis presenation

On 31 August 2017 I presented the topic ‘Advancing capacities of representative institutions: a proposal’ at the Parliamentary Capacity Building Institute of the Argentinian Chamber of Deputies (Instituto de Capacitación Parlamentaria – Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina). The presentation via teleconference was organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chamber of Deputies and was attended by several parliamentary officials and employees.

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My presentation on Advanced Algorithms

Academy EPLO

My presentation on ‘The influence of new technologies on administrative law‘ at the Academy of European Public Law took place on 29 August 2017 in Legrena, Greece. Below you may find the contents of my presentation as well as a short abstract. A related paper to be published in a peer-reviewed journal is in the making too.

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Η παρουσία μου στις "Κοινοβουλευτικές Ιστορίες": Τα Ευαγγελιακά

Ως “Ευαγγελιακά” έχουν καταγραφεί τα αιματηρά επεισόδια που έλαβαν χώρα στις 8 Νοεμβρίου του 1901 στην Αθήνα με αφορμή τη δημοσίευση από την εφημερίδα Ακρόπολις των Ευαγγελίων μεταφρασμένων στη δημοτική γλώσσα από τον Αλέξανδρο Πάλλη.

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Impressions from Wroxton


The 13th Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians took place between the 29th and the 30th of July 2017 at the Wroxton College in Wroxton, Oxfordshire, UK. The 1st Workshop was held at the Berlin Science Centre in 1994. Its success led to it being a biennial event. A one-of-its-kind gathering of all relevant stakeholders around representative institutions. It is no coincidence that the workshop is sponsored, among others, by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which closely monitors all contributions and presentations.

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Paper: "Implementing structured public access to the legal reports on bills and law proposals of the Scientific Service of the Hellenic Parliament"


My new article on “Implementing structured public access to the legal reports on bills and law proposals of the Scientific Service of the Hellenic Parliament” just went online (13 July 2017).


In an era of end-to-end digitalization in parliamentary institutions, open data and established printed and electronic publication formats for contemporary and future content, the old, non-digitized and potentially corroded content still poses a great challenge in terms of preservation and promoting efficient usage.

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PRINCE2 Practitioner certified

Fitsilis Prince2 practitioner

After passing the relevant examination in July 2017, I am now a certified PRINCE2® Practitioner. PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) is a process-based approach for project management providing an easily tailored and scalable method for the management of all types of projects. The method is the de-facto standard for project management in the UK and is practiced worldwide. PRINCE2 is a flexible method that guides you through the essentials for running a successful project regardless of project type or scale. PRINCE2 can be tailored to meet the requirements of any industy or organization.

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Συνέντευξη στο


Για την σημασία της επίσκεψης του Προέδρου Ομπάμα στην Ελλάδα μίλησα με το

Για την επίσκεψη Ομπάμα στη χώρα μας και τη σημασία της συνομιλήσαμε με τον συμπατριώτη μας δρ Φώτη Φυτσιλή, προϊστάμενο του τμήματος Επιστημονικής Τεκμηρίωσης και Εποπτείας της Επιστημονικής Υπηρεσίας της Βουλής των Ελλήνων.

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Meine Teilnahme am Europanetzwerk Deutsch


Im Juni diesen Jahres hatte ich die großartige Möglichkeit Teil des langjährigen Programms des Goethe-Instituts „Europanetzwerk Deutsch“ zu sein. Der Kurs in Berlin und München präsentiert thematisch den Hightech-Standort Deutschland und spricht Interessenten aus Forschung und Entwicklung, Naturwissenschaft und Technik, Wirtschaft, Außenhandel und Politik an.

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My new paper on parliamentary control


My new paper on Parliamentary Democracy examines parliamentary control in the Hellenic Parliament and the National Assembly of Serbia. The paper is titled “Parliamentary Control of Governmental Actions on the Interaction with European Organs in the Hellenic Parliament and the National Assembly of Serbia” and appears in the Online Papers on Parliamentary Democracy V/2016. It can be found on the PADEMIA website.

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Youth Parliament


Στο πλαίσιο των εργασιών της ΚΑ΄ Συνόδου της «Βουλής των Εφήβων» (7-11 Ιουλίου 2016) πραγματοποιήθηκαν συνεδριάσεις των ομάδων διαβούλευσης πάνω σε μια σειρά από επίκαιρα θέματα. Φέτος είχα την τιμή να είμαι ο επιστημονικός συνεργάτης της Δ’ ομάδας διαβούλευσης που ασχολήθηκε με τον θεματικό άξονα Εκπαίδευση – Πολιτισμός. Της ομάδας προέδρευσε ο καθηγητής Δημήτριος Σεβαστάκης, Αντιπρόεδρος της Διαρκούς Επιτροπής Μορφωτικών Υποθέσεων της Βουλής των Ελλήνων.

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My presentation at the PADEMIA annual conference 2016


The annual PADEMIA “Parliamentary Democracy in Europe” conference for 2016 took place between 19 and 20 May 2016 in the historic premises of “La Fondation Universitaire” in Brussels. There I had the opportunity to present in front of a wide audience of international scolars my new paper on “Historical evolution of referenda and applications in contemporary democracy“.

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My paper presentation at the IRIS 2016


IRIS 2016 in Salzburg, Austria

At this year’s International Symposium for Legal Informatics (German: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion, IRIS 2016) that took place between 25-27 February 2016 in the University of Salzburg, Austria, I had the opportunity to present the following paper:

Parliaments in the Digital Era – Innovation, Challenges, and Prospects
by Fotis Fitsilis, Dimitris Koryzis, Dimitris Spiliotopoulos, Günther Schefbeck

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About Me

About Me

Dr. Fotis Fitsilis

As engineer and economist Dr. Fotis Fitsilis has been active in a broad range of fields, from telecommunications and logistics to management and governance. After a career as a research engineer in Germany, he worked as Special Advisor for Business and Industry in the Greek Ministry of Development. Since 2007 he has been working in the Hellenic Parliament.  Learn More..

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